Do One Thing

Turn Browsers into Buyers with the “Yes Ladder”

September 23, 2024

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I'm Julie — digital marketing strategist, online community expander & hype-woman extraordinaire!

Meet Julie

Quick Info:

Why care?Every time you can get a potential customer to say the word YES, they are more likely to say it when it really counts!
Who should do this:All businesses aiming to improve their website’s conversion rate.


Engaging Headlines and Questions

First impressions are EV-ER-Y-THING… 

Start with headlines or subheadings that ask questions your visitors can’t help but say “yes” to. Try focusing on a benefit or emotional result that the customer can expect from using your product/service. 

Something like, “Looking for radiant looking skin?” or “Ready to make the neighbours jealous?” These questions hit right where your visitors’ needs and desires are, making it super easy for them to think, “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m looking for!” 

This small affirmation sets the stage for a series of positive responses and makes them feel instantly seen and understood.

Eye-Catching Buttons

Next, you’re going to want a button with your Call To Action (CTA) on it. Try using first-person language on the button that will resonate with what the reader is thinking:

(Heading) Looking For Radiant-Looking Skin?

(Button Text) This is me!

(Heading) Looking For Radiant-Looking Skin?

(Button Text) Heck yeah, I do!

The goal of this first stage is to keep the ask incredibly relatable, in alignment with the results your product/service is offering and a non-commitment level yes. You’re not asking for the sale yet. You are just setting the stage to make the reader feel like you fully understand them and are reading their mind.

Step-by-Step Call to Actions (CTAs)

Think of these CTAs as little steps up a ladder. Start with low-commitment actions, like “Learn More” or “Yes Please”. 

Once they’ve moved on to the next step, you can gently encourage them to take slightly bigger steps, like asking them to sign up for your email list, a waitlist, or a small purchase (just to name a few examples).

This gradual approach makes each step feel natural and easy, leading them smoothly up to the top of the ladder where they’re ready to make a purchase or go all in with you. It’s all about making every step feel like it’s the perfect next move.


Interactive Elements

Add some fun! 😃

Make the whole experience more enjoyable and memorable by incorporating interactive elements like polls, quizzes, “this or that” or calculators. These tools can keep the “yes” momentum going by asking simple, relatable questions. For instance, if you’re selling skincare products, a quiz like “What’s your skin type?” can engage users without asking for too much commitment. 

Each time a visitor engages with these features, they’re not just saying “yes”—they’re also getting more involved and excited about what you have to offer.

Add Social Proof and Testimonials

Social proof can be a powerful step on your Yes Ladder– it’s like having a friend vouch for you! 

Authentic testimonials make your product or service feel even more appealing. It helps build trust and confirms that your offering is genuine and effective.

Display testimonials or case studies that ask relatable questions or make compelling statements like, “Want results like these?” or “Isn’t it time you achieved this [result]?” When visitors see that others just like them have had great results, they’re more likely to think, “YES! I want that too!” 

Ready to bring the Yes Ladder to life on your website?

Here are a few quick steps you can take within the next 10 minutes:


Revise Your Headlines: Check your current headlines and adjust them to ask questions or make promises that align with your visitors’ needs.

Add a Simple CTA Button: Design a CTA button that uses first-person language, making it relatable and enticing.

Plan One Interactive Element: Choose a simple interactive element, like a quiz or poll, or testimonial that highlights the results, and add it to your site.

Do One Thing to guide your visitors through a series of small, affirmative actions in order to make them more likely to say “YES” when it really counts.
