Do One Thing

Grow your email list by making the signup a no-brainer!

August 26, 2024

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I'm Julie — digital marketing strategist, online community expander & hype-woman extraordinaire!

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Quick Info:

Why care?A captivating call to action (CTA) boosts your email list and keeps your audience engaged
Cost:Low (some creativity and maybe a special promotion)
Who should do this:Businesses aiming to grow their email list
Platform:Primarily, your website, but any digital platform with email sign-up capabilities

Ever feel like getting people to sign up for your email list is like trying to get a cat to take a bath? 🙀

I get it. But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be painful. 

With a bit of creativity and the right incentive, you can make your email sign-up irresistible. 

(No discounts required!)Let’s dive into how you can craft a call to action that will make your audience drool! 🤤

What’s in it for your customer?

Your ideal customer needs a reason to give you their email address. And no, “Sign up for our newsletter” just won’t cut it anymore. 

Instead, think about what your audience finds truly valuable. 

This could be:

  • Exclusive Access/Content: Exclusive first access to new product/service or launches can be very enticing! We all appreciate feeling like we’re getting something others don’t.
  • Special Promotions: Have a special event or promotion coming up? Make it exclusively available to your email list (and advertise that on your socials) to get them to give you something in exchange for what you’re about to give them. (It doesn’t have to be $$)
  • Educational Resources: Free how-to guides, webinars, or tutorials, that provide real value and tap into what they really need can be an incredibly valuable offer. 
  • Behind the Scenes: Sometimes the most intriguing part of your brand is the person behind it and people want to know more about YOU. Granting this kind of BTS content to your email list makes them feel more like a friend than a customer.

Use Enticing Language

Once you’ve decided on the incentive, it’s time to craft the Call to Action (CTA). Use language that draws them in and focuses on the benefits they will receive. Here’s how:

  • Be Specific: Instead of “Sign up now,” try “Get my free e-book on mastering digital marketing.”
  • Highlight Benefits: Focus on what’s in it for them. For example, “Sign up to receive member-only promotions and first dibs on all new products.”
  • Create Urgency: Phrases like “Don’t miss out” or “Limited time offer” encourage immediate action. If there is no urgency, there’s no need to take action.
  • Be Personal: Use friendly and conversational language to make it feel like you’re speaking directly to them. For example, “We know you’ll love receiving our monthly tips!”

Bonus tip: Use first person language. For example, “I Want This” is more engaging than “Get It Here” This makes it more relatable and reader-focused, plus it helps the reader envision themselves saying YES!

Avoid the Word “Newsletter”

Let’s face it, people are receiving more emails each day than they read, so we have to show them right from the signup why ours is worth receiving! 

The word “newsletter” conjures images of lengthy paragraphs of text, which doesn’t exactly spark excitement. Instead, try:

  • “Insider Tips” – “Join for insider tips on…”
  • “Special Offers” – “Get special offers and exclusive opportunities.”
  • “VIP Access” – “Sign up for VIP access to…”
  • “Free Resources” – “Unlock free resources to help you…”

These phrases highlight the value and exclusivity of your emails, making them much more appealing.

By focusing on these strategies, you’ll create a compelling call to action that not only grows your email list but also keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more. 

Happy emailing! 📧✨


✅ Review your current email sign-up CTA on your website. Is it enticing enough? If not, use the tips above to revamp! 

✅ Think about what your ideal customer values most and create an incentive that aligns with that. 

Do One Thing to update the language on your email sign-up and ensure your readers can’t possibly scroll by without joining! 😍

Bonus Tip for anyone using Shopify:

At the checkout, Shopify has standardized text where a customer can choose to opt-in or out for marketing emails. It usually looks something like this:

Let’s change it to reflect the tips above!

Follow this guide for the step-by-step!
