Tackle & complete a key piece of marketing that will truly move the needle!


in-person workshops

let's fix that!

Strategic Social Media Marketing


Are you:

frustrated and overwhelmed trying to manage your social media presence?
scrambling to find time to manage both your business and your socials?
putting in too much effort for the measly results you're seeing? 
procrastinating posting because you don't know what to say?
tired of feeling like you're wasting your time all together?

frustrated and overwhelmed trying to manage your social media presence?

scrambling to find time to manage both your business and your socials?

putting in too much effort for the measly results you're seeing? 

procrastinating posting because you don't know what to say?

tired of feeling like you're wasting your time all together?

If you resonate with any of the above statements,
you are in the right place.

Keep reading!

By both a Digital Marketing Expert (that's me! 👋) plus, a very small group of other entrepreneurs who know exactly how you feel, and want what you want.

By both a Digital Marketing Expert (that's me! 👋) plus, a very small group of other entrepreneurs who know exactly how you feel, and want what you want.

And: do it in a space where you are fully supported

master the kind of content is going to give you the conversions you're dreaming about

master the kind of content is going to give you the conversions you're dreaming about

Crack the content code

including shot lists & blocking time to write captions

including shot lists & blocking time to write captions

Plan your entire next months content

in a way that excites you about engaging with your followers.

in a way that excites you about engaging with your followers.

Design your posting schedule

who will become your best collaborators and sources of new followers.

who will become your best collaborators and sources of new followers.

Follow the right accounts

so you can stop setting unrealistic posting expectations once and for all!

so you can stop setting unrealistic posting expectations once and for all!

Calculate how much time you truly have for social media

Together, we will:

$350 AVCC member price  |  $400 non-member price

Pricing listed in CAD. Applicable taxes will be added.


Next Workshop Date: TBD

Workshop Date: Feb 21, 2024


5 hour in-person workshop led by an industry pro
Paper & digital worksheets to complete during the session
A roadmap to follow each month
Plenty of time to get all your burning questions answered

Group workshop with maximum 6 participants per session
Offered in collaboration with the Annapolis Valley Chamber of Commerce
Hosted in Kentville at the Valley Business Hub


Strategic Social Media Marketing

join the waitlist ⤵

a workshop for businesses who want to make money using social media

The deets:

want to know about future workshops?

We'll give you first dibbs on future workshops & the best pricing!

Join the waitlist


Here's what previous students have to say...

"I have a strategy! I was having trouble organizing my thoughts, which drove me crazy as I'm in a new role. This course helped me get my thoughts down on paper in an organized fashion, and through the conversations during the workshop, I was able to broaden but, at the same time, pinpoint who my messages should be targeting. I feel as though the workshop relit my spark for comms. I am so grateful!"



"It was great to have outcomes come out of the workshop that will directly alleviate strain on my already busy schedule. Your demeanor, cadence and tone made it easy to stay engaged throughout the 4 hour workshop. I definitely learned lots that I will be able to use from day to day.
Thank you!"

- JESSICA WARD, Groundwork: A Social Innovation Agency

I learned lots that I will be able to use from day to day.

Voted Best Marketing 2023!

Named Best New Business of the Year!

Named Entrepreneur of the Year!

I’ve always cared about people over profits, but when I was growing up, I thought it had to be one or the other. This caused me to play real small in life because I believed that having a service mindset meant that I had to trade in my personal aspirations of financial prosperity or personal success in order to contribute to the greater good. (Yes, really!)

Fast forward a couple decades (and a whole lot of therapy sessions), and I realize that it's through personal development, advocating for equity, and amassing wealth among the wholehearted, that we can actually create change in our world and shift the money and decision-making power into the hands of the people who will do more good!

This is why I’m dedicated to fueling the growth of creative, heart-driven brands to propel their businesses to new levels of success and influence, through helping them relay that person-to person experience of connecting with the maker, into the online sphere. 

If you’re a heart-driven brand looking to maximize your impact & profit through building authentic community in order to grow a thriving & sustainable business online, I’m here to be your guide. 

digital marketing strategist, online community expander & hype-woman extraordinaire

You found your hype-woman!

digital marketing strategist

Hey, I'm Julie!